Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting

March 20, 2015

Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club

       Unit 524


Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Absent: Member at Large Mark Sulczynski.  Excused: Secretary Dian Wood Picone,


 I. Minutes of January and February meetings approved and published.

       a) In the future, Minutes will be e-mailed to the Board for discussion and approval so that Minutes can be published on the website by the end of each month.

II. Treasurer’s Report approved.

       a.) Ken and Vinny distributed the Quicken monthly financials which indicated that, on average, monthly income will be about $100.  The Unit assets were added to the Quicken account showing a replacement value of $12,000.

       b.)   The treasury has a present balance of $15,000.  Treasurer and the President proposed, and the Board agreed, that the Unit not let the balance drop below approximately $10,000. 


III.  Old Business

       a.)   It was decided that a weekly e-mail, including a summary of the results of the three games and notifications of important upcoming events, will be sent to the Unit members. The President is developing a communication format for that purpose.

b.)   Christmas party: Lyle reported on, and the Board approved, the proposed plans for the annual Unit Bridge and Christmas party.  The date for the party is December 11, at the Morgan Hill CRC from noon until 6:00 PM.  (Rooms have been booked to accommodate both the A & B sections as well as food service.)  The Unit has agreed with CRC, as it usually does, to help put tables away after the party.  Lyle proposes to engage Trail Dust to cater the lunch commencing at noon prior to play.  The cost will be $15 per person.  It was suggested that sign-ups be submitted by the end of November to help plan accurately for the amount of food required.   The Board will ask that the membership volunteer to provide Christmas type desserts and goodies. 

c.)  Special Games – Unit Game in Hollister:  The March 6th ProAm Unit game in Hollister was a success.  The President is going to look into the possibility of holding more games in Hollister and will consult with Linda King to determine whether the demand is there.

d.)  The District 21 recall of Roger Smith failed. The recall required a 75% vote and only 68% of the members voted to recall Roger.

 e.)  Summary of Attendance through February 2016:  Ken’s review of attendance showed a continued increase in the Monday and Thursday games relative to the pre-Stone June 2015 baseline.  The Monday Game is averaging about 7 to 8 tables and the Thursday Game, 9 to 10 tables.  This is about a two table increase for both games and comes from the addition of a “B” section comprised of newer players. 

 IV. New Business

         a.)  The Board discussed ways to encourage our present Unit members increased participation in the Unit’s games.  Patty Stone is teaching a class in 2-over-1 bidding on Thursdays that is kindling some interest.  Ken proposed initiating a post-mortem session after the Thursday game, picking out five hands for discussion.   It was noted that Joanne Wicker has taught bridge classes to high school students in San Jose and that the Board should ask her to report on the success of her efforts as well as any suggestions she might have as to what we could do in Hollister/Gilroy/Morgan Hill.


       b.)   Web enhancements:  The Mini-McKinney and Ace of Club results for 2015 were added to the Unit 524 website.



Next Meeting  April  17, 2016

Meeting Adjourned at 12:15.



Respectfully submitted,

Dian Wood Picone, Secretary