Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting

July 19, 2015

Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club

Unit 524

Present:   Vice-President Ken Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone.  President Jonna Robinson, excused.
 Minutes of prior meeting approved.
II.  Treasurer’s Report approved.
 Old Business
 Motion to reimburse Susan Proctor $500 for her purchase of airline tickets for recipients of the “Want to Play Bridge” scholarship approved.
 New Business
a,  Motion to invite Patty and Win Stone to the Board Meeting to discuss progress of Monday and Thursday games, approved.
 Jackie Zayac,  running for 2nd Alternate District Director, made a presentation to the Board asking for their support in the election.  The Board was impressed with her enthusiasm and credentials.
Next Board Meeting August 16, 2016
Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretar