Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
August 16, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Jonna Robinson, Vice-president Kenneth Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone.
I. Minutes of prior meeting, approved.
II. Treasurer’s report, approved.
a) Vice-president noted that the Unit was still generating some income. As the Board does not want to depend on reserves for minor expenses, it was suggested that the player fees be increased by $1 and that free Birthday plays be eliminated. The change will occur at the first of the year. The Unit will continue to provide snacks.
III. Old Business
a) Change-over of the Monday and Thursday games to the Stones appears to be going well. There is a significant increase in the number of Hollister players at the games.
b) There was a question of how Don McCown and Win Stone will handle matters of equipment and coffee service at the Unit Games. The Vice-president will discuss logistics with the parties and report back to the Board.
c) The Board discussed the qualifications of those candidates for District 21 First and Second Atlernates position.The candidates for 1st Alternate are: Bruce Blakely, Stu Goodgold and Bill Corliss. The candidates for 2nd Alternate are: Jackie Zatac and Katherine Ewing. Each Board member has a vote independent of the other members.
d) A Nominating Committee has been formed consisting of Diana Dragt, Suzanne Proctor and Rosemary Erwin. They are to find members willing to fill Vice-President and Membership slots for 2016.
IV. New Business
a) There was a suggestion that the Unit should consider merging with a neighboring Unit. The pros and cons of such a merger was discussed. The matter was tabled for discussion at a future meeting.
b) The Vice-President presented graphs showing attendance at games for 2013 through 2015 and a numerical list of Unit memberships in the District. Attendance of the games is up and the Unit 524 is the second smallest in the District with 109 members.
c) The Vice-President reported that arrangements for the Sectional are progressing well and there has been a good response in the numbers of volunteers.
Next Meeting is September 10, 2015 @ 2:00 PM.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary