Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
November 15, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Jonna Robinson, Vice-President Kenneth Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone, guest: Suzanne Proctor
- Minutes of prior meeting accepted.
- Treasurer’s report approved.
a.) Treasurer is opening an interest bearing account.
III. The web master is putting the 2015 minutes up on the website.
- Old Business:
a.) The Board is still seeking a member willing to be in charge of Partnership/Membership and Sunshine. The President will search for a Unit member to take the post.
b.) The Vice-President reported that the numbers at the Earthquake Sectional were slightly lower than 2014. A 299er event was scheduled for Sunday of the tournament, but only one table registered and and that group was integrated into the Swiss team. We will look for other ways to entice the Unit 524 299er contingent to participate in the Earthquake Sectional.
c.) It was suggested that a Swiss Teams ProAm game be tried at a Thursday game in Gilroy. The Board will solicit Win Stone’s opinion to see if he is willing to organize and co-ordinate the event.
d.) The Board finalized the transfer of the Monday and Thursday games to the Stones.
- New Business:
a.) The Vice-President and Win Stone will renegotiate the payment of fees to Madonna YMCA for use of the Senior Center.
b.) It was decided that as of 2016 there would be:
1.) At all games an increase from $6 to $7 per game and an email will be sent out notifying the membership after January 1st.
2.) No further free game on members birthdays.
3.) The Unit will continue to provide coffee and tea but will no longer purchase snacks for the Unit Game. Instead, the Board will encourage volunteers to provide them.
4.) The Board will look into the feasibility of having a NAP game.
Next Meeting December 13, 2015,
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary