Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
July 13, 2017 2:30 PM
Board Members: President Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Membership Linda King, Excused Secretary Joanne Wicker
Minutes of prior meeting were approved
Treasurers Report – Approved
Unit Games
Hollister Unit game is the first Saturday August 5 in Hollister
Ken will do the Lesson/Lunch on July 16.
Lyle will do the Lesson/Lunch on October 15.
Attendance summary
Game attendance is leveling off for the three weekly games at 7 for Monday, 8 for Tuesday, and 11 for Thursday
Total monthly Unit 524 tables averages close to 450
Earthquake Sectional – Mark Moore presenting
Mark Moore presented an overview of the Earthquake Sectional 2017 status. Linda King is working hospitality. Her plan is to have the food offerings reflect the morning/afternoon requirements. And we will not offer sandwiches this year since we are selling them between sessions. Subway will be the supplier this year for sandwiches between sessions. Diana Dragt is doing partnerships. Diana will proactively recruit Unit 524 members to participate. Mark decided that we should to rent District 21 Bridgemates because we could be short with Unit 524 Bridgepads. Setup will be on Friday between 3-5 PM. Mark will recruit caddies hospitality for both days and they will be paid $12 per hour.
Lyle Supp – Unit Calendar for 2017 including extra-point games
Lyle will attempt to merge the special events calendar with the Win Stone’s calendar that shows up on the website.
New rankings :
Jonna Robinson – Gold Life Master
The board will continue to publicize rank changes through the membership board member. Ken will supply Linda King the Powerpoint template.
Game management in the absence of Win Stone
The management of the weekly Monday and Thursday and Unit game suffered during the absence of the Stones. Win Stone will be invited to the August meeting to discuss the matter.
District 21 election
There is an upcoming election for the D21 District Director. Every unit board member in each unit within D21 gets a vote. Ballots will be sent out by the ACBL on or around August 15, and we have one month to submit our vote. Stu Goodgold and Jacquie Zayac have approached the board to present their case at a board meeting. The board felt that this was not necessary.
New Business
2018 Nominating Committee - Ken will appoint a nominating committee of two along with himself to find two new board members for 2018.