Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting 

February 16, 2017

Unit 524 - Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club

Present:  President Ken Johnson, Secretary Joanne Wicker, Membership Linda King.  Excused Vice-President Lyle Supp and Treasurer John Beebe


  1. The minutes and treasury report from the previous month were read and accepted. 
  2. The Hollister Unit game had 6.5 tables in attendance. Linda King will review the calendar for the next unit game in April. 
  3. Moving the unit game from Morgan Hill to Gilroy was discussed. The Gilroy senior center has no fee for usage. A survey regarding this issue will be emailed to unit members. 
  4. The Forum columnist position is still available. 
  5. The Christmas party will be Sunday December 12 1017. Carol Reed is the chairperson. Details to follow. 
  6. The Earthquake Sectional: Mark Moore has volunteered to be the sectional chairperson. The event will be held September 23, 2017 at the Gilroy senior center. 
  7. Ken Johnson researched other Unit websites to determine changes that could be made to improve our Unit’s website. In addition, he had other Units ealuate our website. This information confirms that Unit 524’s website is more than satisfactory. The board voted unanimously to leave the website as is. 
  8. Education summary: A review was done regarding education in unit 524. There are ongoing classes in Morgan Hill, Gilroy and Hollister. Linda King is teaching classes in Hollister and has a mentoring program. There has been considerable success with students playing duplicate and becoming ACBL members as a result of the classes offered. Patty Stone is teaching in Gilroy and hopes to have one plus tables join in the unit play. There have been several students from her previous classes that are currently playing duplicate in the unit. Al Peponis is teaching at the library several times a year. He is teaching beginning, intermediate and advanced play. In addition, he has supervised play at a game he has at his home. He also has substantial online help as well as personal one on one support. Linda King's "Learn Bridge in a Day has also been a source of additional players. 
  9. Mini McKinney and Ace of Clubs awards will be announced and presented at the March unit game. 
  10. Financial strategies: Different ways and means to distribute and invest the units finances were discussed. Some ideas were scholarships, education and enhanced hospitality. In order to help increase participation in unit games it was suggested that free lessons by guest lectures and a light free lunch precede the games. Key to the success will be advertising the games as well as partnership help. Linda King volunteered to be the first guest lecturer. 
  11. The meeting was adjourned


Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Wicker

The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Joanne Wicker 1/16/2017 

Next Board Meeting March 23, 2017 at 2:00 PM.