Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting 

January 15, 2017

Unit 524 - Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club

Present:  President Ken Johnson, Treasurer John Beebe, Secretary Joanne Wicker, Membership Linda King.  Excused Vice-President Lyle Supp.

  • The Meeting opened with the board approving the minutes from the December 2016 meeting. 
  • The board reviewed and approved the Treasurer reports
  • Columnist for the Forum:
     As of January 15, 2017, we have no volunteers for the columnist position. Joanne Wicker will ask Carol Nicoletti and Sue Smith to write a job description. An effort to ask members via email and face-to-face will continue. Until a columnist can be found we will post Lyle Supp's result page to the Forum.
  • Website:
    In response to a request to add content to the website the board will investigate options to improve the website. Improvements in content and appearance will be considered. Other units will be contacted for ideas and suggestions.
  • Christmas party:
    The Christmas party will be chaired by Carol Reed. The budget will be up to $2000. The date is the second Sunday in December - 12/10/2017.
  • Unit game:
    Ideas on how to increase participation at the unit game was discussed. Linda King and Joanne Wicker will consider the possibility of a free lesson prior to the unit game. Additional hospitality provided by the unit was also suggested. Joanne Wicker and John Beebe volunteered to help arrange partnerships for unit members to encourage attendance to the unit game.
  • Earthquake sectional:
    The earthquake sectional is awaiting approval from the tournament committee at District 21.  John Beebe will consider working as a co-chair with another volunteer for the 2017 earthquake sectional.

    The meeting was adjourned.

    Respectfully submitted, Joanne Wicker


 Next Board Meeting February 16, 2017 at 2:00 PM.