Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
December 11, 2016
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone
I. Minutes of prior meeting approved.
II. Treasurer’s report approved. Treasurer will submit returns from the Christmas Party to the Treasurer for the January 2017 report.
III. New Business:
New Officers were approved and introduced to the Unit members. President Kenneth Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Secretary Joanne Wicker, Member at Large Linda King.
IV. President made a slide presentation of the accomplishments of 2016.
Next Meeting January 15, 2017
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary