Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting – November 17, 2016
Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone
I. Minutes of the October meeting approved.
a) In the future, Minutes will be e-mailed to the Board for discussion and approval so that Minutes can be published on the website by the end of each month.
II. Treasurer’s Report approved.
III. Old Business
a.) Attendance at the free Unit game has picked up slightly. The Board approved free Unit games through the first quarter of 2017. The Board will continue to closely monitor Unit game attendance.
b.) The new Director of the Unit Game, Jo Levy, is well regarded by the attendees. The Board approved adding a $25 stipend for travel to the $100 Director’s fee as Ms. Levy travels some distance in order to direct the Unit Game.
c.) Attendance at the weekly games continues to be satisfactory.
d.) Christmas party: Lyle reported on, and the Board approved, the proposed plans for the annual Unit Bridge and Christmas party. The date for the party is December 11, at the Morgan Hill CRC from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM. The Unit has agreed with CRC, as it usually does, to help put tables away after the party. Lyle has engaged Trail Dust to cater the lunch commencing at noon prior to play. The Board approved a $10 fee for dinner and bridge, Ken will send and email blast and reminder to Unit membership.
e.) Lyle submitted the Unit’s recommendation for the Aileen Osofsky 2016 Goodwill Award to ACBL, we await their response.
IV. The Nominating Committee has recommended the following persons for the 2017 Board: John Beebe, Treasurer, Joanne Wicker, Secretary, Linda King, Membership.
V. 2017 Calendar for Unit games. The Board decided to continue scheduling the Unit games on the third Sunday of each month with the exception made for any conflict in May with the Monterey Sectional.
VI. The replacements for the Bridge Forum columnists are Elsie Shaw and Carol Alcock.
VII. Carolyn Wilson achieved the rank of Junior Master.