Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting

July 14, 2016

Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club

       Unit 524


Present:  President, Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone. 

I .   Minutes of prior meeting, approved 

II. Teasurer’s Report, approved.   

III. Old Business

a.)  Vice President and Secretary report that they have had no positive response regarding their search for replacements for Bridge Forum columnists or Member at Large.   Search continues.

b.)  Earthquake Sectional:  Secretary is helping Chair John Beebe with Hospitality. 

IV. New Business

 a.)  Board suggested one nominee for the Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Member of the Year, 2016 .  Board continues to solicit suggestions from membership.

b.)  In order to encourage increased participation, the Board has approved offering a free game to attendees at the November and October Morgan Hill Unit Game.

c.)  Plans are completed for the quarterly Unit game held in Hollister to promote Bridge.  Linda King is organizing and directing the game to be held at Dunne Park on August 6, 2016.

d.)  The Board is extending an invitation to all three game owners to attend the monthly Board meeting starting with the August meeting.

e.)  Patty Stone is offering lessons after the Thursday Game, 2:30 – 4:00, starting in September.

Patty  is also going to teach ACBL’s Easy Bridge and is preparing an advertising campaign in support thereof.  Patty is pursuing  ACBL accreditation in order to teach Easy Bridge and once accredited ACBL, will provide materials and pick up 50% of the cost so long as ACBL’s logo is included in the advertising and promotion.  Patty is tendering a plan and her anticipated expenses to the Board and the Board has approved funding the balance of the expense upon receipt.

f.) The Vice President is starting a Unit newsletter. In addition, he will help Patti to advertise her classes to those people on the Unit’s email list in order to minimize postage cost of snail mail. Patty’s mail expense will be limited to those members without email. 

Meeting Adjourned at  3:00 PM.

Next Meeting August 21, 2016 at 11:00 AM. 

Respectfully submitted,

Dian Picone, Secretary