Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
December 11, 2016
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone
I. Minutes of prior meeting approved.
II. Treasurer’s report approved. Treasurer will submit returns from the Christmas Party to the Treasurer for the January 2017 report.
III. New Business:
New Officers were approved and introduced to the Unit members. President Kenneth Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Secretary Joanne Wicker, Member at Large Linda King.
IV. President made a slide presentation of the accomplishments of 2016.
Next Meeting January 15, 2017
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 563
Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting – November 17, 2016
Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone
I. Minutes of the October meeting approved.
a) In the future, Minutes will be e-mailed to the Board for discussion and approval so that Minutes can be published on the website by the end of each month.
II. Treasurer’s Report approved.
III. Old Business
a.) Attendance at the free Unit game has picked up slightly. The Board approved free Unit games through the first quarter of 2017. The Board will continue to closely monitor Unit game attendance.
b.) The new Director of the Unit Game, Jo Levy, is well regarded by the attendees. The Board approved adding a $25 stipend for travel to the $100 Director’s fee as Ms. Levy travels some distance in order to direct the Unit Game.
c.) Attendance at the weekly games continues to be satisfactory.
d.) Christmas party: Lyle reported on, and the Board approved, the proposed plans for the annual Unit Bridge and Christmas party. The date for the party is December 11, at the Morgan Hill CRC from 11:00 AM until 6:00 PM. The Unit has agreed with CRC, as it usually does, to help put tables away after the party. Lyle has engaged Trail Dust to cater the lunch commencing at noon prior to play. The Board approved a $10 fee for dinner and bridge, Ken will send and email blast and reminder to Unit membership.
e.) Lyle submitted the Unit’s recommendation for the Aileen Osofsky 2016 Goodwill Award to ACBL, we await their response.
IV. The Nominating Committee has recommended the following persons for the 2017 Board: John Beebe, Treasurer, Joanne Wicker, Secretary, Linda King, Membership.
V. 2017 Calendar for Unit games. The Board decided to continue scheduling the Unit games on the third Sunday of each month with the exception made for any conflict in May with the Monterey Sectional.
VI. The replacements for the Bridge Forum columnists are Elsie Shaw and Carol Alcock.
VII. Carolyn Wilson achieved the rank of Junior Master.
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 520
Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
October 16, 2016
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Ken Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone. Excused Vice-President Lyle Supp. Guest John Beebe.
1. Treasurer’s Report approved.
2. Attendance: The President charted attendance at the various Unit and Club games. Attendance at Linda King’s Tuesday club continues to be good, while slightly lower during the vacation period. The first Hollister Unit game had maximum attendance and the second, in November, will be a Pro/Am game.. The Stones are showing slightly lower participation at their Monday night game and good attendance at their Thursday game.
3. The President reports that we have a Unit Games Director, Jo Levy, through the first of the year.
4. As of January 2017, Carol Alcock and Elsie Shaw will be our new Bridge Forum Columnists .
5. The Nominating Committee suggested a number of members who may be willing to serve on the 2017 Board.
6. At today’s Unit Game, the President will announce that Elsie Shaw has achieved the rank of Club Master and Janell Volkoff the rank of Sectional Master.
7. The Board approved, and will submit, the Vice-President’s letter recommending our nomination for the Aileen Osofsky Goodwill 2016 Member of the year.
8. The Treasurer reported Patty Stone’ s expenses for the classes she is teaching and the ACBL’s contribution to her advertising costs. The Board discussed the opportunity for additional education ventures.
9. John Beebe submitted his report on the Earthquake Sectional to the Board. The Sectional was profitable and attendance was good.
Next Board Meeting November 20, 2016 at 11:00 AM.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:10.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 563
Minutes of Board of Directors’ Meeting
August 21, 2016
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Ken Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone. Guests: Win Stone, Patty Stone, Al Peponis
I. Minutes of July meeting approved.
II. Treasurer’s Report and Quicken finance summary approved.
III. Bridge Forum Columnists’ replacement search is ongoing. No interest shown by members to date. Board discussed whether the email Monthly Newsletter authored by Lyle would be duplicative of the Forum column and decided that it would address a different audience with different timing Lyle intends to remind members of upcoming events and accomplishments, something the Forum column is unable to do.
IV. The Board discussed the make-up of the 2018 Board and approved the idea of Board members approaching likely candidates. At present the Board is short a member-at-large now that Mark Sulczynski has moved.
V. Lyle is preparing a formal letter to the Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Committee recommending a Unit 524 member as 2016 Goodwill Member of the Year.
VI. The attendance at Unit games has been disappointing. The Board approved offering Unit members free games for the months of October and November. Ken will review attendance at past and present games to determine what members are no longer participating and report to the Board.
VII. Al Peponis, Patty Stone and Win Stone reported on the status of their respective clubs. Al’s club has seen a drop-off in the numbers of players attending his games. He attributes the drop-off, in part, to summer vacations and travel. He will start free lessons at the Morgan Hill Library and anticipates a good turn-out. Win and Patty have had increased numbers in attendance at their Monday and Thursday games as shown by the chart Ken prepared. Since taking over the clubs, there has been a significant increase in participation which the Stones’ attribute in part to the addition of a 99’r game on Thursday. Win advised the Board that after our annual Christmas party, the games will be on hiatus until January. Patty reported on her proposed Fall lessons. Six students have signed on and ACBL is contributing half the cost of her newspaper advertising. The Board will contribute the balance. The advertisement which Patty displayed includes the ACBL logo and website. She is advertising in the Hollister, Gilroy, and Morgan Hill newspapers. When she finalizes her budget, she will present it to the Board.
Meeting adjourned at 12:15PM.
Next Meeting October 16, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 892
Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting
July 14, 2016
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President, Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone.
I . Minutes of prior meeting, approved
II. Teasurer’s Report, approved.
III. Old Business
a.) Vice President and Secretary report that they have had no positive response regarding their search for replacements for Bridge Forum columnists or Member at Large. Search continues.
b.) Earthquake Sectional: Secretary is helping Chair John Beebe with Hospitality.
IV. New Business
a.) Board suggested one nominee for the Aileen Osofsky Goodwill Member of the Year, 2016 . Board continues to solicit suggestions from membership.
b.) In order to encourage increased participation, the Board has approved offering a free game to attendees at the November and October Morgan Hill Unit Game.
c.) Plans are completed for the quarterly Unit game held in Hollister to promote Bridge. Linda King is organizing and directing the game to be held at Dunne Park on August 6, 2016.
d.) The Board is extending an invitation to all three game owners to attend the monthly Board meeting starting with the August meeting.
e.) Patty Stone is offering lessons after the Thursday Game, 2:30 – 4:00, starting in September.
Patty is also going to teach ACBL’s Easy Bridge and is preparing an advertising campaign in support thereof. Patty is pursuing ACBL accreditation in order to teach Easy Bridge and once accredited ACBL, will provide materials and pick up 50% of the cost so long as ACBL’s logo is included in the advertising and promotion. Patty is tendering a plan and her anticipated expenses to the Board and the Board has approved funding the balance of the expense upon receipt.
f.) The Vice President is starting a Unit newsletter. In addition, he will help Patti to advertise her classes to those people on the Unit’s email list in order to minimize postage cost of snail mail. Patty’s mail expense will be limited to those members without email.
Meeting Adjourned at 3:00 PM.
Next Meeting August 21, 2016 at 11:00 AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 628