Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting
January 17, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Kenneth Johnson, Vice-President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone, Member at Large Mark Sulczynski, 2015 Christmas Party Chair Suzanne Proctor, Guest Joanne Gitner.
I. Minutes of December meeting approved, and published.
a.) Moved and approved future Minutes will be circulated by email and approved by Board. Upon approval, President will publish the Minutes on the website.
II. Treasurer’s Report approved.
a.) Quicken is up and running and will facilitate future Reports. The Unit’s income, as anticipated, has decreased as a result of the transfer of the Monday and Thursday games. There is a balance in the treasury of about $15,000. The Board needs to decide what is a proper/adequate balance for the Unit to maintain. There was agreement with the President’s suggestion of a revenue neutral policy.
b.) Mark Sulcynski will take on Partnership/Membership, beginning with a review of the ACBL District 21 list to determine both attendance and those Unit members who no longer play. Members will be directed to contact him when they need a partner for the Unit game.
c.) The President informed the Board that the website will soon show the Unit expense summary and net worth statement, news of the Earthquake Sectional and Christmas party planning, as well as the monthly Minutes.
d.) 2015 Christmas party Chair Suzanne Proctor 2015 reported on the Christmas Party. There was an approximate 20% increase in cost over the prior year, caused in part by the requirement that we now provide security. Suzanne had several suggestions for economies, one being that we discontinue the practice of providing 2 bottles of wine per table as the open bar is available to the members. Further, it was observed that several tables did not consume the wine that was provided and it was taken home by some.
III. New Business
a.) A weekly email and summary similar to that of Unit 550 in Santa Cruz was discussed.
b.) The Earthquake chair is John Beebe
c.) It was decided that the Board meetings will begin at 11:00, unless an earlier start is warranted.
d.) 99er Game: Joanne Gitner informed the Board of 99’er player dissatisfaction with the direction of the Unit Game. In particular, complaints that the Director fails to start the B section game promptly and is not making sure that the play is proceeding at a proper pace.
Next Meeting February 21, 2016
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 647
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
December 13, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Jonna Robinson, Vice-President Kenneth Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone
I. Minutes of prior meeting approved.
II. Treasurer’s report approved. Treasurer will include returns from the Christmas Party in the January 2016 report.
II. New Business:
III. New Officers were approved and introduced to the Unit members. President Kenneth Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone, Member at Large Mark Sulczynski.
Next Meeting January 17, 2016,
Meeting Adjourned at 12:15.
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 665
Minutes of Board of Director’s Meeting
January 18, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: Vice-President Kenneth Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone. Excused: President Jonna Robinson.
I. Minutes of October meeting approved, no meeting in November for lack of a quorum.
II. New Business
President continues her search for a replacement for the Membership Committee which is now the Membership/Partnership Committee.
Scheduling: Ken to submit new calendar for approval, designate dates for Club Championship and Membership Games. Proposed Membership Game 1st Monday of second month (February 2); 2nd Thursday of 3rd month (March 12). Membership Game: 1st Monday in May, 1st Thursday in October. Charity Games already scheduled.
Free Christmas Dinner policy to be determined at future Board Meeting.
Dian to send member cards until new Membership/Partnership Board Member appointed.
Junior Fund to be discussed at February meeting.
Tentatively approved increased pay for Directors in light of Win Stone’s undertaking a number of new responsibilities
Next Board Meeting February , 2014
Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 411
February 15, 2015
Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister Duplicate Bridge Club
Unit 524
Present: President Jonna Robinson, Vice-President Kenneth Johnson, Treasurer Vincent McLoughlin, Secretary Dian Wood Picone.
Minutes of January meeting approved.
Treasurer’s Report
Unit has a total balance of $17,619.80 in our accounts. No extraordinary expenses anticipated. Treasurer will continue present system of payment. Report approved.
III. Old Business
Christmas Party: Board approved motion to give a free dinner to all playing members, all others at the Board’s discretion. Date for the party and fees will be decided in a summer Board Meeting.
The Board has decided to take advantage of the opportunity for members to receive extra points by designating 10 games as either Club Championship Games or Charity Games this year. The dates chosen can be found on our Website by going to Game Schedule where there is a link to Special Games. Some have a higher fee than that charged by the regular games, the overage will be absorbed by the Unit.
New Business
Handing out of Mini-McKenny and Ace of Clubs awards is postponed until March Unit Game as Certificates not yet received from ACBL.
The Vice-President will conduct a survey of clubs in the reasonable vicinity to determine what is the average game fee and Directors’ compensation and report back to the Board.
Awards: 1) Lawson Sakai has passed the 50 point level and is now a Sectional Master. 2) In September 2014, with the Board’s approval, the President wrote a letter of recommendation to the District 21 Goodwill Committee nominating Win Stone to receive the 2014 Good Will Award. In Feb. 2015, the President of the Committee notified President Jonna Robinson that Win had been selected. The award is a special Pin to be worn at all ACBL functions indicating this status. At NABCs, there is a special function recognizing all Goodwill members. The Pins were handed out at the District 21 Board's meeting during the February Regional at Burlingame. As Win could not attend, he will receive his pin at a later date.
Next Board Meeting March 15, 2014
Adjourned at 12:15
Respectfully submitted,
Dian Wood Picone, Secretary
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 439
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 458