Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
October 19, 2017 2:00 PM
The meeting was brought to order by Ken Johnson. Ken Johnson, Linda King, Lyle Supp and Joanne Wicker were in attendance. John Beebe was absent.
Minutes from the September board meeting were approved.
Treasurer Report
The financial summary from the Earthquake Sectional is almost complete. The Rabobank situation has been settled. Ken Johnson and John Beebe signed off documents to close the matter.
Unit games
11 tables were in attendance for Lyle Supp’s Lunch and Lesson. Linda King arranged for one and a half tables by making personal phone calls. The Hollister unit game is November 4, 2018 and Skip Pack will direct. The question of the continuation of the Hollister unit game will be considered in 2018 by the new board. Unit games in 2018 will tentatively continue on the third Sunday with the exception of the month of May. Lyle Supp will contact Debbie Vasquez at the CRC to confirm dates. There was a question raised about insurance and liability at the CRC. Research into the matter will be followed up. John Beebe is doing snacks for the November unit game. Ken Johnson will contact Jo Levy and inquire what dates she’s available to direct during 2018 in Morgan Hill.
Christmas party
Carol Reed has arranged to purchase gift cards at Costco to be honored by old City Hall towards the invoice. This will result in a 20% savings. Carol will attend the November board meeting for final arrangements.
Game attendance
The Hollister game attendance is slightly less in recent months. The total tables between Gilroy and Hollister, however, remains stable.
New rankings
Barbara Miller is a junior master. Mary Legrand is now a silver life master. Dave Jackson and Jonna Robinson are the unit winners from the Earthquake Sectional that won the most master points.
In and Out Reports
Linda Chang and Neda Dorjath have transferred into Unit 524. Linda will send welcome packages. Linda Blasedel and Katie Dmick are no longer active.
Game management during Win Stone’s absence during Jan-Feb 2018
Win Stone will duplicate the boards during his absences. Linda King has developed a cheat “sheet” to aid the directors.
Nominating committee
The nominating committee has several members interested in serving on the 2018 board.
Unit administrator
A motion was made that a unit administrator position be created. The responsibilities would include, but not be limited to, bookkeeping and website management. Ken Johnson volunteered for the position and was unanimously approved.
Earthquake sectional
The total tables for the earthquake sectional were down from 2016. A sanction has been obtained for 2018 and the dates are September 22-23. Ideas about improving the 199er participation were discussed. Next year the Earthquake committee should consider shorter lunch breaks on Sunday.
The next board meeting will be Thursday, November 9, 2018.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Joanne Wicker
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 372
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
November 9, 2017 2:00 PM
Board Members: President Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Membership Linda King, Secretary Joanne Wicker
The October meeting minutes were approved.
Treasurer report
Win Stone asked for $100 reimbursement for the website fees. Fees have been paid through 2019 and the hundred dollars is for an extension for thru 2020.
There’s a balance of $12,460 in checking and the money market account. John Beebe presented a template for financial tracking that will go into effect next year
Unit games
Skip Pack agreed to continue Hollister unit games. Ken Johnson will acquire the game sanctions for those games. Skip Pack will take over the Dunne Park contract January 1, 2018.
Ken contacted Jo Levy who will continue to direct up to eight games for Unit 524
Lyle Supp confirmed the unit game dates for 2018 with the CRC. Lyle Supp and Ken Johnson are to meet with the CRC in regards to rates and liability issues.
Game attendance through the unit remains stable.
Earthquake Sectional
The final income/expense numbers are confirmed and the Unit made a profit of $1874.73
The Earthquake Sectional plaque for the Top Point winners of the event is at the engraver. It will be done soon.
Several ideas on how to get new and existing members to attend more games were discussed. Mentor programs have proved successful in the past. A pro-am game may also produce additional interest. HANDZ is a new game for families interested in bridge basics is available on a website.
Christmas party
Patty Stone reported on entertainment. She will receive $200 for entertainment costs. Carol Reed will confirm with the venue to see if we have both rooms available for our party. December 4, 2018 is the deadline to reserve a spot. Sign-ups will be available at all games. The Christmas party will be a STAC game.
Nominating committee
Two candidates have been identified for the 2018 board
Unit Administrator
The definition for the Unit Administrator position was submitted by Ken Johnson. It will be reviewed after January 1, 2018 at a future board meeting.
Next board meeting
December 10, 2017 for the annual business meeting and Christmas party at Old City Hall in Gilroy
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted, Joanne Wicker
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 2893
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
September 21, 2017 2:00 PM
The meeting was brought to order by Ken Johnson. Ken Johnson, John Beebe, Linda King and Joanne Wicker were in attendance. Lyle Supp was absent.
1.) The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
2.) Jim Leuker, District21 president, who is in a run-off election for District21 director, came to campaign for votes. He defined the job and spoke of his vision and goals for the position if elected. A question and answer period ensued before Mr. Leuker finished.
3.) Treasurer’s report. Rabobank still has questions about the tax ID number. John Beebe is meeting with the bank today to resolve the questions. John Beebe volunteered to develop a standard tracking form for the directors to use in regard to expenses. There are fees to set up the boards for sectionals of $10-$13. Win Stone has agreed to do it for $10. Linda King submitted receipts of $150 for supplies for the earthquake section. John Beebe issued a check in the amount of $150.
4.) Christmas party. The board discussed fees for unit 524 members at the Christmas party. After discussion, it was decided that a $10 charge for unit members will include dinner and bridge. Nonmembers and member spouses will be charged $25. Carol Reed made several suggestions for the menu. A discussion about whether appetizer should be provided took place. Carol Reed will get more information on the subject. Old City Hall has a full bar that will be open as a no host bar. Corkage fees for personal bottles of wine will be $10. The entertainment has requested three meals plus $50 compensation for the entertainment.
The schedule for the party is tentatively:
a.) 11:45 AM board meeting.
b.) 12 PM Bridge.
c.) 4 PM entertainment.
d.) 4:30 PM dinner. Invitations will be emailed to member soon.
e.) Sign-up will be available at all the unit games.
5.) Unit games
Lyle Supp will do lunch and lesson at the October unit game. John Beebe will provide snacks at the November unit game.
6.) Attendance: The total table numbers within the unit are up over two years ago.
7.) In and out and rankings:
There are no new rankings. Gertrude Edvenson has become inactive.
8.) Bylaws: After asking current and previous board members, the consensus is, there are no term limits for a two-year commitment. Ken Johnson suggested that the 2018 board review the bylaws.
9.) Earthquake Sectional Job descriptions
Any current and past chair persons from the earthquake sectional will be asked to write up job descriptions for the future chair people.
10.) Game management
Linda King has provided a flow chart or write- up to Win Stone for a review and critique regarding the game set up and scoring. Joanne Wicker is learning the system on the computer in order to assist when necessary.
11.) Slow play
Slow play procedural penalties will be implemented after the first warning. The penalties will be 1/4 board and will apply to the open section.
12.) New business
Ken Johnson and Diana Dragt are the nominating committee for the 2018 board. All and any names are welcome.
13.) Survey
Questions that can help improve play were discussed. It was decided to table the discussion until a future meeting.
Meeting was adjourned
Respectfully submitted 9/27/17
Joanne Wicker
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 521
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
August 20, 2017 11:00 AM
Board Members: President Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Membership Linda King, Secretary Joanne Wicker
1.) The July meeting minutes were approved.
2.) Treasures report
John Beebe reported that although Rabobank is not user-friendly, hard copies of the statements have been obtained. Ken has also saved soft copies of banks statements since 2015
Balances: July 2017
Checking $9925 .23
Money Market $7010.76
Total $16,935.99
3.) An informal discussion about bylaws and their enforcement ensued.The term for office is two years and the board elects the officers at the first meeting. Ken Johnson will ask Diana Dragt for any clarifications about bylaws and to gain further insight.
4.) Hollister Unit game
The Hollister game had six tables. A suggestion to have a non-life master or Pro-Am game was introduced by Linda King.
5.) Survey
Each board member was asked to come up with questions to submit to the board members for a survey.
6.) Supplies
The unit supplies, which include the dealing machine, computer and Bridgepads, are available to club owners.
7.) Unit games
Linda King will direct and provide snacks at the September unit game. Lyle Supp will host October lunch and learn unit game.
8.) Christmas party
Carol Reed will attend next month's board meeting for a Christmas party update.
9.) Attendance
There's a slight increase on Mondays due to 99er participation. Thursdays are improving as well. Tuesday games are holding steady at seven tables.
10.) Rank and recognition
Photos and written recognition of members and their new rankings will be published as they occur.
11.) In and out
George Bittner is a new ACBL member. Mary Calderone and June Packard have passed away.
12.) The Stone's games
In order to establish smoother games during the Stone's absence, a flowchart will be developed. Joanne Wicker will train on the computer to assist substitute directors. Game closure during the Stone's absence will be considered.
13.) Earthquake sectional
Job descriptions will be developed and made available to the earthquake sectional chairperson. Reports on results of the sectional will be passed on to the new earthquake committee year-by-year.
14.) District21 won election ballots have been emailed to board members.
15.) Unit 524 needs fill two board positions for 2018. Ken Johnson will form a nomination committee.
16.) Joanne Wicker and Ken Johnson will attend the District21 one meeting a 9 three 2018.
Meeting adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,
Joanne Wicker
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 526
Minutes of the Board of Director’s Meeting
July 13, 2017 2:30 PM
Board Members: President Ken Johnson, Vice President Lyle Supp, Treasurer John Beebe, Membership Linda King, Excused Secretary Joanne Wicker
Minutes of prior meeting were approved
Treasurers Report – Approved
Unit Games
Hollister Unit game is the first Saturday August 5 in Hollister
Ken will do the Lesson/Lunch on July 16.
Lyle will do the Lesson/Lunch on October 15.
Attendance summary
Game attendance is leveling off for the three weekly games at 7 for Monday, 8 for Tuesday, and 11 for Thursday
Total monthly Unit 524 tables averages close to 450
Earthquake Sectional – Mark Moore presenting
Mark Moore presented an overview of the Earthquake Sectional 2017 status. Linda King is working hospitality. Her plan is to have the food offerings reflect the morning/afternoon requirements. And we will not offer sandwiches this year since we are selling them between sessions. Subway will be the supplier this year for sandwiches between sessions. Diana Dragt is doing partnerships. Diana will proactively recruit Unit 524 members to participate. Mark decided that we should to rent District 21 Bridgemates because we could be short with Unit 524 Bridgepads. Setup will be on Friday between 3-5 PM. Mark will recruit caddies hospitality for both days and they will be paid $12 per hour.
Lyle Supp – Unit Calendar for 2017 including extra-point games
Lyle will attempt to merge the special events calendar with the Win Stone’s calendar that shows up on the website.
New rankings :
Jonna Robinson – Gold Life Master
The board will continue to publicize rank changes through the membership board member. Ken will supply Linda King the Powerpoint template.
Game management in the absence of Win Stone
The management of the weekly Monday and Thursday and Unit game suffered during the absence of the Stones. Win Stone will be invited to the August meeting to discuss the matter.
District 21 election
There is an upcoming election for the D21 District Director. Every unit board member in each unit within D21 gets a vote. Ballots will be sent out by the ACBL on or around August 15, and we have one month to submit our vote. Stu Goodgold and Jacquie Zayac have approached the board to present their case at a board meeting. The board felt that this was not necessary.
New Business
2018 Nominating Committee - Ken will appoint a nominating committee of two along with himself to find two new board members for 2018.
- Details
- Written by: Ken Johnson
- Category: Unit 524 Board - Minutes
- Hits: 420